ASCII-fying Paul Ford
I remember fondly printing out 132-column line printer ASCII drawings back in the old days. In a fit of nostalgic whimsy, I've put together a quick program to produce ASCII art from bitmap images in Racket:
(require 2htdp/image)
(define ascii-by-density (string->list "@%#*+=-:. "))
(define (choose-char cl w x y)
(let* ([pixel (list-ref cl (+ x (* y w)))]
[peak (max (color-red pixel)
(color-green pixel)
(color-blue pixel))])
(if (zero? peak)
(last ascii-by-density)
(let ([c (round (- (* (length ascii-by-density) (/ peak 255)) 1))])
(if (positive? c)
(list-ref ascii-by-density c)
(first ascii-by-density))))))
(define (write-asciified-bitmap bm filename)
(with-output-to-file filename
(lambda ()
(let ([w (image-width bm)]
[cl (image->color-list bm)])
(for ([y (range (image-height bm))])
(for ([x (range w)])
(display (choose-char cl w x y)))
(display "n"))))))
(define paul-ford (bitmap/url ""))
(write-asciified-bitmap paul-ford "ford.txt")
Demonstrated here using this photo of my friend Paul Ford:
I hope he doesn't mind.
This entry is part of my journal, published October 9, 2014, in Berlin.